Thursday, October 4, 2012

27 weeks and 1 day....

I made it through the early AM without my water breaking! No, of course I'm not expecting it to break, but that's when it happened with the quads. I cannot imagine delivering today. It's really bittersweet thinking about that day with my last pregnancy. It's weird because last time my water broke during a big (weather) pressure change and there's a big pressure change in Minnesota today too. My body just knows it has a long way to go, thankfully.

27 Weeks 2012
27 Weeks 2009!

Happy belated birthday to Dan this past September 21st (he's the big 2-9!) and to my sis-in-law, Lara this past October 1! We celebrated Dan's birthday with cake and Buffalo Wild Wings- his favorite.

Last weekend I had a weekend away for my friend, Kelly's wedding in Colorado. It was so great seeing some friends and having no responsibility. Thanks again to Dan's parents, Mike and Deb for watching the girls on Friday. (And I'm sure Dan appreciated help/company over the weekend!!)
Steph, Liza, and I after Kelly's wedding- old CU friends!
Lindsay and Hailey- I got to hang out with this babe a lot!
The girls have had some great playground days and we even made it to an apple orchard with Lara, Charlie, Dane, and Peter over Dan's birthday weekend. This weekend we're up north again for a wedding. I do love Duluth in the fall!
Madeline in the hay maze at the apple orchard
We couldn't get 5 to look at the camera in the same pic, but here they are! (Madeline, Josie, Sofia, Peter, and Dane)
Charlie, Lara, Peter and Dane after the exciting hayride!
Our family at the end of the hayride. 
They got a kick out of the goats! (Sofia)
Since my last entry, the girls have started up ECFE (Early Childhood/ Family Education). It's one day a week and half the session the moms are separated for a discussion. It's kind of a  pre-preschool and I love it! The girls are really quiet during circle time and don't participate in the songs or dancing. Maybe they will over time. During playtime they keep to themselves and the teachers say they are quite independent. I bet it's common for multiples to stick to each other but hopefully they will branch out at some point.
Sofia, Josie, and Madeline! They thought it was fun standing on the back of the couch. Whatever it takes to get smiles!
Madeline and Sofia sitting with the bear

Normal occurrence now (J, M, S). (At the Teddy Bear Park)
They were quite excited when the UPS delivered their new turtle booster seats. They are still too short for the table, though!  (J, S, M)

The next 3 weekends of October we have to reserve for getting the nursery ready (and painting the girls room finally). November is deer hunting and obviously Thanksgiving and December is just plain crazy! It seems like January will be here too soon! Since we know this baby will be our last (our plan) I am really savoring this pregnancy. I have loved it so far. (I know, I know- farther along I may not be so enamored.)

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