It's really hard getting a good picture of the three girls- someone always looks goofy or is waving their hands frantically. I thought I'd share a couple of the fails. Let's play Guess Who Ruined the Picture?? (I really can't blame them, who loves to sit through rounds and rounds of pictures?)
Here are some updates now. Sofia is past the 10 pound mark! She is 10 lbs 2 oz according to our scale. She has been eating worlds better, taking about the same as Madeline. She still loves to smile and talk.
Madeline is up to 10 lbs 14 1/2 oz! Watch out Josie, she is catching up to you! We lowered all three cribs (Madeline first since she has the least amount of reflux), so they are no longer using the Danny Slings. All three seem to prefer sleeping on their sides. It's so cute and the crib suddenly seems so big!
Madeline asleep on her side.
Josie is 11 lbs 1/2 oz! I can't believe Josie is almost a pound bigger than Sofia! She is doing well still. I forgot to write last time that all three girls love to suck on their fingers and thumbs. It would be nice if they always used their thumbs so we wouldn't need pacifiers but it's not consistent yet. They also study their hands, bringing them together and then to their mouths. Practicing eating? She looks like such a sweetheart in her yellow dress, doesn't she?
The Roseville Early Intervention team came to our house this past week to check up on the girls' development. All three are on track- ahead of their adjusted age in many areas. They liked to see their head control and how much weight they can put on their legs. Also, they could really tell how strong the girls were during tummy time! We were lucky that the girls were in such great moods! They were smiling and talking. It helped they came at 8 am, a very happy time of the day usually. All for now, we are coming up on feeding time!
I was reading your blog and my daughter Sebryna (age 2) came over, looked at the pictures of the babies, and held her arms out to them and said, "hold you!!". She wants to hold the babies. :)